TS 2023
Any merchants-only concerned with approval rate issues. Vendors need to be approved. What: Graphs, experiments, experts, and entertainment
Topics to be presented and explained in detail:
* Difference in MCC codes
* Billing practices and how they relate to declines
* Efficacy of Verifi, Ethoca, and 3DS
* Decline/Risk Policies for various US card issuers
* Ways to audit billing practices
* Ways to audit media source quality
* Decline salvage effectiveness in revenue recovery vs impact to MID reputation
* Best MIDs for your portfolio
* Issuer decline recovery strategies
* Approval rates on Sticky vs Konnektive
* Technology available for BIN management
* PayFacs vs traditional processors
* MID issuance and configuration
* Strategies for MID usage after reputational decay
Missed this event? Don't worry!
Now Available! Watch the full event online.
Transaction Summit Video
Brought to you by Card Insight, Transaction Summit is a summit for all merchants who are concerned about transaction approval rates related to credit card processing.
Highlights from our January 15th Transaction Summit Event. If you missed it, don’t worry we have it now available to watch online.
Recommended Accomodations

Hotel Monaco
15 West 200 South Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Reservations: (800) 805-1801 Hotel: (801) 595-0000 Fax: (801) 532-8500

The Grand America Hotel
555 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Local: 801-258-6000